founder & digital wellness coach

The Jason Levin Show: Memelord vs Screen Time Coach

The Jason Levin Show: Memelord vs Screen Time Coach

While I frequently write about how to spend less time on the internet, I’m by no means anti-technology. The internet can be a great place, filled with opportunities to meet great people.

I’ve personally met hundreds of friends through the internet. Many of these relationships have formed as an adult over the last few years.

Hell, I even was a groomsmen in a Twitter friend’s wedding. When I tell people that they look at me like I have 8 heads, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Today, I want to share with you an amazing discussion I had with that exact Twitter friend — Jason Levin. 

Jason is the Head of Growth at Product Hunt and an incredible writer in his own right. He’s been publishing his newsletter Cyber Patterns for over 150+ weeks straight, wrote a book about meme marketing, and is the general go-to guy about all things memes.

Jason probably spends more time online than 99% of the people I know and he loves it. His chronically online lifestyle serves him well and truly makes him happy. Nothing wrong with that at all.

But even he can admit there’s room to better manage his relationship with tech.

So, I hopped on his podcast a few weeks ago for a wide ranging discussion on all things digital pragmatism, technology addiction, and more.

We covered….

(01:53) "Bricking" your phone for digital wellness
(09:48) The rise of digital wellness coaches
(17:51) Tools for managing your digital life
(22:26) Can you make internet money as a digital minimalist?
(34:17) How to use technology without getting addicted
(42:36) The Rocks, Pebbles, Sand framework

Give it a watch/listen and let me know what you think! Also, stay tuned for the next ‘Unplugged Event’ coming soon 👀


Digital Wellness Coaching: If you’re interested in digital wellness coaching to help you build healthier, more intentional relationships with your technology (either individual or group), feel free to book a call here.

Digital Detox Tools: A free directory of 75+ digital wellness products, software, and services. Access it here.

Accountability Group: I’m creating an accountability group for people who are dedicated to reducing their screen time and building more intentional relationships with technology. It will be paid, but reasonable (gotta have some skin in the game). Reply to this email if you’re interested.

Contact Me: If any of my writing resonates with you, I’d love to hear from you. You can reply to this email or DM me on Twitter.

That’s all for this week. Now stop scrolling and go do something great.
